Super High Resolution to Messy Scanning
You’ll get professional-quality scans that allow you to digitally archive virtually any original. The Epson perfection V850 pro scanners will give you exceptional results whether scanning slides, negatives or film. If your original is large you can scan it in sections and digitally seam it together in photoshop. If that presents challenges then it can be digitally archived with the DSLR camera or make use of the copy stand.
We also have dedicated scanners for messy things like a sandwich or a clump of dirt. Yes, these things have been scanned. Let us know if you have any questions.
Epson Scan 2 is the software we are using on the laptop computers in the lab. Go the the Launchpad on the dock and look for the icon shown at left.
Using your own laptop? If you need to install the scanner driver on you computer visit the epson support page and locate the correct scanner.
Once the driver is installed, follow the step-by-step scanning guidelines for more information.